
Applications for 2024-2025 academic are now open!

Deadline to apply is 31st of May 2024. For information about how to apply click here: 

Applications for the 2024-2025 academic year

Applications for the 2024-2025 acadmic year will open in few days. Information about admission criteria and how to apply will be made available very soon. 

Classes of the fisrt semester 2023-2024 Started on 9th of October: how to attend lessons

Classes of the first semester of the Bachelor Program in Industrial Engineering Technology started ONLINE on the 9th of October with the following subjects:

Prospective Students waiting for the VISA will have the opportunity to recover missed classes once enrolled to the University of Cassino.

As soon as Prospective Students will receive the VISA, they will be allowed to contact the International Office ( of the Universy of Cassino (UNICAS), proceeding with online enrollment.

Once enrolled, Students are invited to subscribe the Google Classroom page of the Bachelor program Industrial Engineering Techology using the following subscription code: dehonsv

Enrolled Students will find all necessary information about how to attend online classes and recover missed lessons on the Google Classrom page of the program.

Please note that the access to the Google Classroom page of the program and to the online lessons is restricted to Student who finalized the enrolment procedure to the Bachelor Program in Industrial Engineering Technology of the University of Cassino.